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Hypnobirthing Australia™ Options

Hypnobirthing Australia™ Group Courses in Macarthur.
Group courses are held in Gregory Hills two Saturdays per month (10am-4pm) and four weeknights (6pm-9pm) per month. A number of exclusive bonuses are also included.

Hypnobirthing Australia™ Private courses in Sydney.
Private courses can be booked Sydney-wide and are held in the comfort of your own home. This option is perfect for those with busy schedules or special circumstances. (+bonuses)

Hypnobirthing Australia™ Online Course with 90 min Zoom session.
Can't make it to a face-to-face course? The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Online Course is the next best thing! This option can be booked with or without a 90 min Zoom session with me.
from $199

My journey...
I know what it's like to fear birth! When I gave birth for the first time, I was completely shell-shocked at how painful and hard it was. I wasn't sure I could ever do that again. Thankfully, a kind midwife mentioned to me to try hypnobirthing next time and it changed my life! I have since had three more children - all "hypnobirths" - and had the most wonderful experiences giving birth. I have dedicated my life to helping mothers apply the principals of hypnobirthing so they can have a bold beautiful birth!
More about me"Christa’s passion, enthusiasm and belief was inspiring and reassuring. From the bottom of my heart I truly want to thank Christa for the incredible support she showed me throughout my pregnancy and birth and for the amazing gift of self-belief and inner strength that was instilled in me in the lead up to the birth of our first baby. I don’t think I have ever met such a kind and passionate person."
More testimonials
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