Frequently Asked Questions

Got more questions? Email me at [email protected]

The Bold Beautiful Birth program has 8 weeks of course work and intensive support plus follow up or "maintenance" support forĀ your entire pregnancy.Ā You have a total of 9 months access to the program.

This is up to you however ideally you are 30 weeks or less. This gives you plenty of time to get through the material and you have lots of time with me in the lead up to your birth. However, I often work with clients who are especially anxious, and it is for that reason that I say it is never too early to get support! This is why there is 9 months of support built into the program so that you are never left on your own.

YES!! It is never too early to get the support you need. I've had some clients book in from the moment they found out they were pregnant! In these situations I simply extend your access time by 3 months so that you have support right up until the birth. There is no extra cost for this.  

It's NEVER too late (unless you are literally in labour of course lol). If you have less than 8 weeks to go before your estimated due date, we will arrange an accelerated program during your welcome call. You will still get the maximum benefit of the program and will have 6 months follow up support as per normal.

Be be assured I am VERY compassionate in these circumstances and will do everything I can to serve and support you in your time of grief. Refunds depend on how long you've been in the program and how much support I have provided to date. As a minimum however, 25% of the fee is non-refundable unless extreme circumstances, which is granted solely at my discretion.

Please note: Refunds are not given for change of mind.

LOL I'm glad you asked! I am proudly AUSTRALIAN and we follow the UK English spelling. Labour = Labor I'm afraid I'm too stubborn to change my spelling to American English lol. "Embrace who you are", they say. And I'm Aussie. :D

Short answer: YES!

Long answer: If anything, and I say this very sincerely, my programs are UNDER-PRICED! This is because of the intense level of support and availability you get from me. My programs all entail personalised support from me directly. I have a degree in Health Promotion, over 9 years experience in maternal health and a further 11 years experience in community education. I am passionate about the role of education and support in empowering families and communities! My programs are supportive, affordable and most importantly, GET RESULTS!

If you are still undecided, please watch my webinar, and/or take the pregnancy quiz, and/or book a clarity call with me! :)

A clarity call is not scary I promise. It is NOT a sales call either. We have a REAL conversation and I help you to get REAL clarity on how you can prepare for your birth. If I feel we are a good fit, I will of course invite you to work with me. But it is an invitation only and not a sales pitch. I am happy whether you choose to work with me or not. I love speaking with women around the world. My ultimate goal is to change the world! And it all starts with a conversation. xx

My programs are far more in depth than any childbirth class. Not only to we go DEEP with the content, but we also go DEEP with the support. The support in this program is more than you will ever get from a childbirth class OR a doula. It is an entirely new concept and process. I am very excited and very honoured to serve women in this way. I give you my ALL. If you are unsure whether these programs will suit your particular needs, take this pregnancy quiz or book a clarity call with me. :)

Yes! I am very sensitive to different family structures, sexual preferences and gender identity. I enure my language is as inclusive as it can be and adjust my language to your preferred pronouns in our conversations. I also have a focus on ensuring my programs are culturally inclusive, sensitive and safe. 

Yes! You can email me at [email protected]Ā If your question is very in depth I may recommend you book a clarity call with me.

Wondering if these programs fit your needs?

Take our pregnancy quiz to find out!


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